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Comments on: FBI’s top female field agent https://blogsites.colgate.edu/scene/2014/11/fbis-top-female-field-agent.html News and views for the Colgate community Mon, 21 Nov 2016 17:34:51 +0000 hourly 1 By: Maureen Coffey https://blogsites.colgate.edu/scene/2014/11/fbis-top-female-field-agent.html#comment-4139 Mon, 24 Nov 2014 18:06:16 +0000 http://news.colgate.edu/scene/?p=2943#comment-4139 More women in the police force and body cameras – that’s probably the solution going forward. There are too few high-profile women on cases and also too few who roam the streets. Otherwise we would not have “cat calling”, recently in the news again. And body cameras have been shown to result in over 80% of respondents (i.e. those who got into contact with officers) to be satisfied about their treatment.

Since both don’t cost more (cameras are a negligible investment and women, if they replace a certain contingent of men otherwise hired in their place, cost exactly “nothing” but could make a world of difference).
